Gender Equality has not yet been achieved in many western countries. Switzerland in particular has failed as a forerunner in integrating women in politics and economy. Taking Switzerland as a case study, the authors critically reflect the state of gender equality in different policy areas such as education, family and labour. The collection of articles reveals how gender policies and cultural contexts interact with social practices of gender (in)equality. They also outline the gender(ed) effects of recent changes and reform strategies for scientists, politicians and practitioners.
The Art of the Impossible : How to start a political party (and why you probably shouldn't)
Andrew Reid, Simon Carr
bookJusticia Transicional y Comisiones de la Verdad
Jorge Enrique Ibáñez Najar
bookLos dedos cortados
Paola Tabet
bookInstituciones, sociedad civil y políticas públicas : Trayectorias de investigación
Gloria Jovita Guadarrama Sánchez
bookDemocracy & Social Ethics : Conception of the Moral Significance of Diversity From a Feminist Perspective Including an Essay Belated Industry and a Speech Why Women Should Vote
Jane Addams
bookLas reinvindicaciones de la cultura : Igualdad y diversidad en la era global
Seyla Benhabib
bookMY OWN STORY (Illustrated) : The Inspiring & Powerful Autobiography of the Determined Woman Who Founded the Militant WPSU "Suffragette" Movement and Fought to Win the Equal Voting Rights for All Women
Emmeline Pankhurst
bookLa política del "mientras tanto" : Programas sociales después de la crisis 2001-2002
Pilar Arcidiácono
bookEntreactos : En torno a la política, el feminismo y el pensamiento
Fina Birulés
bookMiss Muriel Matters : The fearless suffragist who fought for equality
Robert Wainwright
bookAssault and Flattery : The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women
Katie Pavlich
bookPublic Opinion
Walter Lippmann