To Generate Greater Profits you must offer the highest quality of customer service to people after they have bought the product or service. The most important sale is not the first sale, it's the second sale. Learn to: Serve your customers better than your competitors; Satisfy the deep subconscious needs of your customers; The four key parts of effective marketing; The 3 considerations in differentiating your product or service from those of your competitors; How to attract the perfect customer; The seven rules of management; How to assemble a winning team
El poder de confiar en ti mismo : Vuélvete imparable y libérate del miedo en todas las áreas de tu vida
Brian Tracy
bookHábitos para ser millonario "Million Dollar Habits" : Duplica o triplica tus ingresos con un poderoso método
Brian Tracy
audiobookHábitos para ser millonario : Duplica o triplica tus ingresos con un poderoso método
Brian Tracy
bookLas 32 leyes inquebrantables del dinero y el éxito
Brian Tracy
book21 secretos para hacerte millonario
Brian Tracy
bookControla tu tiempo, controla tu vida : Un sistema revolucionario para obtener más resultados en cada área de tu vida
Brian Tracy
bookEat That Frog! for Students : 22 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Excel in School
Brian Tracy, Anna Leinberger
audiobookEat That Frog! : 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time (Third Edition)
Brian Tracy
audiobookFinancial Independence Made Simple
Brian Tracy
audiobookChange Your Thinking, Change Your Life : How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement
Brian Tracy
audiobookMotivation : The Brian Tracy Success Library
Brian Tracy
audiobook12 Disciplines of Leadership Excellence : How Leaders Achieve Sustainable High Performance
Peter Chee, Brian Tracy