
How to cope being highly sensitive Coaching Sessions & Meditations : healing tools for empaths, healthy boundary, ability to say no, energetic protection, deep self care embrace your intuition


You feel things more deeply. You are more compassionate than a normal person does. Your nervous system is highly associated with your emotional and mental body. You are deeply moved emotionally. It is difficult to be understood by those around you who are not sensitive. Research also shows that a lack of parental warmth may cause a child to carry this trait into adulthood

Living in this world with heightened sensitivity sometimes brings challenges to you. It is easier for you to feel overwhelmed by conflict violence. It is easy for you to pick up on others' needs and feelings. You may have a difficult time saying no as you do not want to disappoint them.

Highly sensitive is actually an evolutionary trait that increases the likelihood of survival, multi-dimensional communication, and self-awareness. An inborn sense of empathy can promote strong emotional bonds in relationships and thus lead to a fulfilling life.

In this course, we will

use coaching sessions and meditations to cope with your sensitivity Practice the art of boundary Stop caring what other people think during the hypnosis session Have a psychic protection grid Use affirmations to embrace your empaths qualities

Narrator: Chantalia