Ninety percent of dissatisfied clients will take their business elsewhere and never tell you why. However, ninety-FIVE percent will become loyal customers again if their needs and problems are addressed and remedied. Speaker and salesperson Michael Aun shares these secrets and many more in It's the Customer, Stupid!, a guide to growing any business by gaining new customers, and - more importantly - keeping happy the ones you have. The book explains the common myths about sales and customer satisfaction, starting with the fact that most businesses think they're customer-centric, but they just aren't. The book explains how to do things that may be inconvenient for you, but your customers will love. And you'll love the effect on sales! Hard-hitting principles include: In many service industries, the quality of service is one of the few variables that can distinguish a business from its competition. A good sale is GOOD SERVICE. Part of every sale should be an extensive overview of the service you intend to render as part of the sale. Ninety six percent of dissatisfied member clients do not complain of poor service. They figure, "What's the use? Nobody's listening!" Treat the people who do complain like gold, because they speak for all your dissatisfied customers. Return calls the same day in which a complaint comes
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