
Kilt at the Highland Games : A Liss MacCrimmon Scottish Mystery


When a fire ravages the local bookstore late one evening, Liss immediately fears the worst for owner Angie and her two young children. After the terrible blaze dies down, however, the family is nowhere to be found among the ruins. It's as if the three just vanished into smoke. Or even stranger: like they never existed at all. Disturbed by Angie's disappearance and suspecting arson, Liss counts on the weekend-long Western Maine Highland Games--complete with a parade and fireworks display--to offer a temporary distraction from the countless questions filling her head. But when the sound of a gunshot leads Liss to selectman Jason Graye's dead body on opening day, she's drawn into a full-blown homicide investigation like a moth to a flame.

Narrator: Tanya Eby