A.-J. Zwierlein / J. Rostek: Literatures of Brexit: An Introduction – K. Sandrock: Border Thinking, Brexit and Literature – C. Berberich: Our Country, the Brexit Island: Brexit, Literature, and Populist Discourse – J. Kosmalska: The Response of Polish Writers to Brexit – M. Tönnies / D. Henneböhl: Negotiating Images of (Un-)Belonging and (Divided) Communities: Ali Smith’s ‘Seasonal Quartet’ as a Counter-Narrative to Brexit – F. Meifert-Menhard: Ian McEwan’s Brexit Politics in (a) Nutshell – C. Reinfandt: Brexit and the Lost Cause of Progressive Patriotism: Some Thoughts on Billy Bragg – Reviews: Robert Eaglestone, ed. (2018), Brexit and Literature: Critical and Cultural Responses – Christa Jansohn, ed. (2018), Brexit Means Brexit? The Selected Proceedings of the Symposium, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz 6–8 December 2017 – Monika Pietrzak-Franger (2017), Syphilis in Victorian Literature and Culture: Medicine, Knowledge and the Spectacle of Victorian Invisibility – Eike Kronshage (2018), Vision and Character: Physiognomics and the English Realist Novel – Sarah Herbe and Gabriele Linke, eds. (2017), British Autobiography in the 20th and 21st Centuries.
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