
Manipulation : How to Master the Art of Persuading Others


Influencing and persuading other people to do something you want them to do, whether that’s good for them or only good for you, is an art. Saying the right things, emanating the right attitude and charisma, and using subtle body language to make others like you or be more inclined to do something…this is what it all comes down to. You will learn some of the following things:

Justified and unjustified reasoning behind manipulation and influencing techniques Numerous roles people play when trying to encourage another to do or say something How Neuro Linguistic Programming and hypnosis can be involved in influencing others and controlling yourself How to develop a better sense of what people want and what they are willing to do under the right pressure Methods to influence others more yourself Studies that help you identify and counteract non-beneficial means other people use to manipulate you Are you interested then? Then don’t wait and start listening, so you don’t have to stay ignorant of these common practices. Save yourself the time and learn from what worked for the author. Buy this audiobook now!

Narrator: John H Fehskens