Since the fall of 2008 we have seen trillions of dollars disappear from the North American economy. Never in recent history have we had so much and lost so much. At the same time, many have been deeply disappointed in their leaders, whether they are business leaders, government leaders, celebrities, or top athletes. It seems as if the demands of this new world order are beyond the ability of most who occupy leadership positions. At times like these, anyone in a leadership position is scrutinized and put under a microscope. There are countless resources advocating different leadership styles, but these styles tend to be faddish. Leaders searching for solutions often adopt whatever style is currently in vogue; however, then they cease to be authentic. This inevitably leads to inconsistent decisions, confusion, and unhappy employees who recognize that the leader is hiding behind a facade. Mindful Leadership introduces you to Mindfulness Meditation, a tool that you can use anytime, anywhere-no chanting or patchouli required-to achieve focus, clarity, authenticity, and the presence of mind to face the reality of any situation. Mindfulness enables a leader to respond to a situation as it arises, to respond to the reality of constant change from a place of deep calm and focus, and to communicate clearly. Seriously, meditation and business do mix, and Mindfulness is taking over boardrooms everywhere. Companies such as Google, Apple, AOL, Xerox, Toyota, Volvo, IBM, Aetna International, RBC, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, and Ford already encourage their employees to use meditation to help them become calmer and more effective. Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation in the worlds of business and leadership include: Greater focus and concentration Improved time management Improved judgment and decision making An enhanced ability to anticipate and serve client needs Enhanced team effectiveness Greater innovation and inspiration Greater productivity Better planning for the future while competing in the present Increased ability to deal effectively with stress Mindful Leadership explains the 8 ways in which leaders can incorporate Mindfulness into every aspect of their lives, allowing them to reduce stress, to maintain awareness and focus, and to optimize their effectiveness and decision making, both personally and professionally.
María Magdalena: Reseña Bíblica 107
Asociación Bíblica
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