The graveyard was cold and empty. All of the stones had been ripped up and piled like so many flat bricks, one atop another, in the far corner by the wrought iron fence. This had been going on for two endless weeks. In his deep secret coffin he had heard the heartless, wild stirring as the men jabbed the earth with cold spades and tore out the coffins and carried away the withered ancient bodies to be burned. Twisting with fear in his coffin, he had waited for them to come to him.
El árbol de las brujas
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audiobookFahrenheit 451
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audiobookbookCuentos de Asia, Europa & América : Luvina 100
Amos Oz, Lídia Jorge, Ray Bradbury, Angélica Gorodischer, Eduardo Antonio Parra, Autar Krishen Rahbar, Hélia Correia, Claudia Apablaza, David Miklos, Yoon Sung-Hee, A. B. Yehoshua, Lutz Seiler, Hugo Chaparro Valderrama, Susan Straight, Amar Mitra, Baltasar Porcel, Ana María Shua, Aharon Appelfeld, Kim Keun, John le Carré, Soledad Puértolas, Fernando Ampuero, Carmen Boullosa, Paul Zachari, Antonio Tabucchi, Aimee Bender, Alberto Fuguet, Claudia Salazar Jiménez, Fabio Morábito, Michael Jaime Becerra, Ann Heon Mi, Devibharathi, Juan Manuel de Prada, John Mcgahern, Monika Maron, Alberto Garlini, Carmen Ollé, Juan Manuel Roca, Luis Panini, Shukti Roy, Mariella Mehr, Alessandro Baricco, Liam O'Flaherty, J. A. Sainz, Nora Bossong, José Luis Peixoto, David L. Ulin, Ignacio Padilla, Diamela Eltit, Edgardo Rivera Martínez, Octavio Escobar Giraldo, Fernanda García Loa, Juan Ramírez Biedermann, Pyun Hye-Young, Felipe Benítez Reyes, Dacia Maraini, Hipólito G. Navarro, Rinny Gremaud, Patricia Reis, Philip Hoare, Sascha Reh, Alonso Cueto, Ricardo Silva Romero, Nicolás González Marzzucco, Alejandra Costamagna, Ben Ehrenreich, José Manuel Funes, Enrique Serna, Chandrakanta Mura Singh, Gila Almagor, Dino Buzzati, Gonzalo Calcedo Juanes, Ingo Schulze, Tessa Hadley, Carola Aikin, Dulce María Cardoso, Leo Felipe Campos, Alberto Laiseca, José Gai, Héctor Abad Faciolince, Joya Mitra, Paola Lagazzi, Juan Pedro Aparicio, Ulrich Peltzer, José María Merino, A. M. Cabral, Amrita Nilanjana, Orly Castel-Bloom, Peter Stamm, Isabel Río Novo, Miguel Bayón, Ned Beauman, Pilar Salamanca, Etgar Keret, Valeria Correa Fiz, David Machado, Louise Welsh, Antonio Skármeta, Roberto Carlos Pérez, César Aira
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