
Reaching a state of hope : refugees, immigrants and the swedish welfare state, 1930-2000


International migration and migrants have long been among the most debated topics in Europe and around the globe. How do immigrant policies differ between different nation-states? How are migrants and refugees met? Conflicting opinions on migration are not new. History gives ample examples of varying solutions and views.

In Reaching a State of Hope, the authors shed new light on refugee and labour immigration to twentieth-century Sweden. They focus on themes such as refugee policies, and refugee relief and reception. The discourse on the relation between refugees, labour migration, immigration, and the trade unions is another focus of this anthology. The essays are set against the background of the Swedish welfare state, from its first emergence before the Second World War until the 1990s. In 1930, Sweden had a population where only a fragment had foreign backgrounds, but seventy years later it had become a country of notable immigration.

This is the first time historians have taken up the challenge of presenting the Swedish experience to an international audience, with distinguished Swedish and international historians collaborating to put the Swedish case into a European context. Reaching a State of Hope is a significant contribution to the field of European migration history, and will make invaluable reading for scholars of history as well as anyone interested in migration politics and issues related to international migration and welfare states.

Contributors: Klas Åmark, Mikael Byström, Frank Caestecker, PĂ€r Frohnert, Christina Johansson, Jesper Johansson, Georg Kreis, Karin Kvist Geverts, Attila Lajos, Paul A. Levine, Louise London, Cecilia Notini Burch, Pontus Rudberg, Johan Svanberg, Malin Thor Thureby, Zeki Yalcin.

Swedish information text about the book:

Internationell migration och invandrare har lÀnge varit bland de mest omdebatterade Àmnena i Europa och runt om i vÀrlden. Hur skiljer sig migrationspolitiken Ät mellan olika lÀnder? Hur bemöts invandrare och flyktingar? Motstridiga Äsikter om migration Àr inget nytt - historien ger mÄnga exempel pÄ olika lösningar och synsÀtt.

I Reaching a State of Hope kastar författarna nytt ljus pĂ„ flykting- och arbetskraftsinvandring till Sverige under 1900-talet. De fokuserar pĂ„ teman sĂ„som flyktingpolitik, flyktinghjĂ€lp och flyktingmottagande. Diskursen om relationen mellan flyktingar, arbetskraftsinvandring, invandring och fackföreningarna Ă€r ett annat fokus i denna antologi. EssĂ€erna Ă€r skrivna med den svenska vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstaten som kontext, frĂ„n dess första uppkomst före andra vĂ€rldskriget fram till 1990-talet. År 1930 hade endast en ringa andel av Sveriges invĂ„nare utlĂ€ndsk bakgrund, men sjuttio Ă„r senare var Sverige ett betydande invandringsland.

Detta Àr första gÄngen som historiker har antagit utmaningen att presentera de svenska erfarenheterna av migration för en internationell publik, i ett samarbete dÀr framstÄende svenska och internationella historiker sÀtter in det svenska fallet i ett europeiskt sammanhang. Reaching a State of Hope Àr ett viktigt bidrag till forskningen kring europeisk migrationshistoria, och det Àr vÀrdefull lÀsning för historiker och alla med intresse för migrationspolitik, samt frÄgor som rör internationell migration och vÀlfÀrdsstater.

Medverkande: Klas Åmark, Mikael Byström, Frank Caestecker, PĂ€r Frohnert, Christina Johansson, Jesper Johansson, Georg Kreis, Karin Kvist Geverts, Attila Lajos, Paul A. Levine, Louise London, Cecilia Notini Burch, Pontus Rudberg, Johan Svanberg, Malin Thor Thureby, Zeki Yalcin.