
Self-Care for Black Women : An original, all-embracing guide designed to support and encourage black women on their path towards well-being and self-realization


2 audiobooks in 1!

ï»żIt’s not your job sister. It’s not your job to bend over backward for others. Yes, we all know there’s an innate part of you that desires to help others, but, remember, it is neither a law nor a sacred duty.

How many black women, in the name of this inclination to help others, neglect themselves? How many women of color are still victims of old cultural legacies that still lead them, unconsciously, to be the last wheel on the wagon? For how many sisters, still today, is being in the world a constant struggle?

Mind you sis’, taking care of others is the noblest of human actions and luckily it's part of your natural way of being and identity; however, the focus here is how to re-establish priorities, to get out of certain toxic dynamics that still imprison you and are driving you away from your achievements and your goals. You know you need to put yourself back at the center of your own life in order to fulfill, or integrate your mission and enhance your uniqueness.

This audiobook includes two parts to offer supportive tools for your self-realization process structured around the themes of self-acceptance, the management of your emotional world, and finally on the immortal topic of the emancipation of women of color.

We know that even today in the United States, the path forward for black women is not simple or obvious. That’s why this audiobook is designed for and aimed at all women of color: no matter if you are already on your path of personal growth and self-realization, or you're in critical need of help, encouragement, and support.

ï»żStart to love yourself today. Scroll up to the top and click the buy now button!

Narrator: Jacqueline Greer