
Technical Product Management according to Open Product Management Workflow


The book »Technical Product Management« is the continuation of the series Product Management according to Open Product Management Workflow and is aimed at Technical Product Managers and Product Owners.

Note: the tools and templates, which are mentioned in the book, are deliberately not included, but will be issued in the trainings, as their application needs to be explained and exercised under guidance in practical examples.

Additionally, you can also download the book »Technical Product Management« for free in PDF format on the proProduktmanagement website.

You will learn how to use the information gained from the book »Strategic Product Management« in product development.

First of all the book »Technical Product Management« deals with the set up of the technical product team. You will learn which different roles exist and who takes which tasks in this technical product team and why.

To prioritize the requirements for product development, based on market facts, you will learn how to develop a rating scheme, taking into account time-dependent sales, long-term strategies and economic aspects.

Read about the advantages of user persona in communication in product development and learn how to set up user persona as well as clear requirements for product development.

You will learn more about the exemplary product »SelfBackup«, which was already introduced and explained in the book »Strategic Product Management«.

As mentioned above you can download the book »Technical Product Management« on the proProduktmanagement website for free and read about preprototyping and numerous other topics relating to product development from a Product Management perspective.

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