Friedrich Engels' seminal work, "The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844," serves as a profound investigation into the social and economic conditions faced by the working class during the Industrial Revolution. Written with a meticulous eye for detail, Engels employs a blend of sociological analysis and vivid exposition to portray the dire realities of life for laborers in urban industrial centers. The text embodies a critical response to capitalism, articulating the transformative power dynamics that arose from rapid industrialization, and is often considered a cornerstone in the development of socialist thought and labor rights discourse. Engels, a German philosopher, social scientist, and collaborator of Karl Marx, drew from both personal experiences and extensive empirical research while writing this work. Having witnessed the grinding poverty and exploitation firsthand, Engels felt a moral obligation to expose the injustices inflicted upon the working class. His role as a co-founder of Marxism also established a framework for his critiques, as he sought to illuminate the intrinsic link between economic systems and social conditions, paving the way for revolutionary thought. This book is a must-read for anyone intrigued by the historical aspects of labor movements, socio-economic theory, or the roots of modern socialism. Engels not only documents the plight of workers but also challenges readers to reflect on the implications of industrial capitalism, making this text as relevant today as it was over a century ago.
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Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
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Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
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Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
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