The Corner House by Fred M. White is a captivating mystery that centers around a seemingly ordinary house hiding extraordinary secrets. When a series of bizarre events unfold at the Corner House, a young detective is drawn into a web of danger, deception, and dark history. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a haunting mystery that threatens to consume everyone involved. With each clue pointing to a darker truth, the detective must unravel the secrets before it's too late. This atmospheric thriller promises twists, turns, and a gripping conclusion that will leave readers breathless.
The Master Criminal : Short Stories
Fred M. White
bookThe Romance of the Secret Service Fund : Short Stories
Fred M. White
bookThe Crimson Blind
Fred M. White
bookThe Weight of the Crown
Fred M. White
bookCollected Short Stories - Book12
Fred M. White
bookCollected Short Stories - Book18 : Supplemental Vol. I
Fred M. White
bookBy Order of the League
Fred M. White
bookThe House of the Schemers
Fred M. White
bookThe Silver Stream : A Christmas Story
Fred M. White
bookThe Island of Shadows
Fred M. White
bookCollected Short Stories - Book7
Fred M. White
bookCollected Short Stories - Book9
Fred M. White