
The Custom-Fit Workplace


With The Custom-Fit Workplace, Blades and Fondas offer an indispensable handbook for business professionals that will transform the way we work, highlighting proven best practices for breaking free from the old, inflexible, 40-hour schedule. The authors know that change is afoot in businesses across America and throughout the world: Dual earning households continue to grow in record numbers; men and women are taking time off from their careers to take care of children or aging parents and are struggling to find a way back in; our 24/7 work culture is placing an undue burden on working professionals; and workers everywhere are struggling to balance career and personal lives while making ends meet. At the same time, businesses hit hard by the economic crisis are looking for creative ways to retain their talent rather than laying off people to make their numbers. We are, in short, standing on the precipice of a workplace revolution, and The Custom-Fit Workplace will be t

Narrator: Kristin Kalbli