
The Scent Of A Man - Wolves & Vamps


The Scent of A Man Series II of III (Wolves & Vamps)

Damian was about to call it a day and end the hunt when he saw Ariel lock eyes on a rare predator....the werewolf. He shouted, "Ariel, No!"

Simultaneously, Ariel was in mid-air and came to an immediate standstill when she heard a whimper sound followed by a voice "No, Stop! I’m Ashford.” Confused, Ariel looked to Damian for answers.

Ariel discovered the shapeshifters that day and how much their clan would need them in their lives.

Two vampires who were out on a rampage and had gotten the fever to kill humans whenever a new Half Vampire/Half Man was born. Their plan was to wipe all half breeds out of existence. Especially, on the hunt for Damian and Ariel’s child, Gabriel.

How many battles would it take to stop these vampires? Would Gabriel survive the attacks?

Gabriel had imprinted with Ruth but would he grow to marry and have a child of his own? If he was to survive the attacks and fill Ruth’s womb with a baby, would she survive the birth or would their child take their lives?

Narrator: Alyssa Rhodes