In a gripping tale set on the Moon, American and Soviet forces clash after a devastating war on Earth. Colonel Scone, a tough American Nationalist, hatches a daring plan to seize control of the Zemlya, a mighty interstellar ship, and declare independence from Russian rule. Broward, an Athenian with a mysterious past, becomes Scone's unlikely ally as they fight to capture the vessel that holds the key to humanity's future. Faced with tense standoffs, surprise attacks, and hard choices, Scone and his outnumbered rebels must risk everything in a battle that will decide the fate of the last humans in the universe.
Tongues of the Moon
Philip Jose Farmer
bookBlack Cat Weekly #98
Adam Meyer, Phyllis Ann Karr, Dharma Kelleher, Jack Halliday, Philip Jose Farmer, John W. Campbell, Joseph Payne Brennan, Hal Charles, Frank Gruber, Alan Le May
bookThe Green Odyssey
Philip Jose Farmer
bookRastignac the Devil
Philip Jose Farmer
bookThey Twinkled Like Jewels
Philip Jose Farmer