
Traditions of the North American Indians (Vol. 1-3) : Tales of an Indian Camp


Traditions of the North American Indians in three volumes is a study on the culture, tradition and mythology of Native Americans consisting of their tribal tales, myths and legends and presenting their daily lives through customs and tradition. Many of the tales are origin stories and tales of the afterlife.


The Man of Ashes

Pomatare, The Flying Beaver

The Alarm Of The Great Sentinel. A Tradition of the Delawares

The Mother of the World, A Tradition of the Dog-Ribs

The Fall Of The Lenap

The Marriage Of The Snail And The Beaver

The Choice Of A God

The Resurrection Of The Bison

The Wahconda's Son

The Idols. A Tradition of the Ricaras

Discovery of the Upper World, A Tradition of the Minnatarees

Love And War

Legends Of The Happy Hunting-grounds:

I.—Akkeewaisee, The Aged

II.—The Delaware Heaven

III.—The Hunting-grounds Of The Blackfoots

IV.—The Stone Canoe

V. The Little White Dove

Legends Of The Creation:

I. The Two Chappewees

II. Sakechak, The Hunter

III. The Bird Of Ages.

IV. The Great Hare.

V. The Six Nanticokes.

VI. The Universal Mother

The Coming Of Miquon

The Funeral Fire

The Portioning Of The Sons

The Maiden's Rock

Expedition Of The Lenni Lenapes

Gittshee Gauzinee

Ampato Sapa

The Caverns Of The Kickapoo

The Mountain Of Little Spirits

The Valley Of The Bright Old Inhabitants

The Legend Of Moshup

The Phantom Woman, A Tradition of the Winnebagoes

The Two Ghosts

The Vision Of The Abnakis Chief

The Lake Of The White Canoe

A Legend Of The Bomelmeeks

The King Of The Elks

The Daughters Of The Sun

The Maiden And The Bird

The Island Of Eagles

Legend Of Aton-larre

The Fire Spirit

The Origin Of Women

The Hill of Fecundity, A Tradition of the Minnatarees

Tales Of A White Man's Ghost:

I. Garanga

II. The Warning Of Tekarrah

III. The Legend Of Pomperaug

IV. The Son Of Annawan

V. The Cascade Of Melsingah

Legend Of Coatuit Brook

The Spirits Of Vapour

The Devil Of Cape Higgin