
Un Yankee en Buenos Aires


Looking for Spanish Novels?

I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.

You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.

You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.

A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.

But this book is not like that.

A Spanish Book for Pre Intermediates (A2) Both Fun & Easy

Un Yankee en Buenos Aires is the eighth book of the Spanish Novels Series. This Pre Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has a basic command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. I assume you know your pronouns, articles, and the most used verbs/nouns in Spanish. You also need to know simple present, past and future tenses.

Brian is 22 years old and lives in California. He's finishing his MBA at Stanford. Brian has planned out his life with his girlfriend Sarah. But suddenly she leaves him. Now he feels the world is over. Until his friend Jeff sends him an e-mail. He lives in Spain and travels the world. Jeff suggests him traveling to other countries.

This Spanish Book for Pre Intermediates will show you the most used grammar structures in different situations. As the difficulty level is just right you will learn and enjoy it at the same time. There's no doubt about it: An Intermediate Spanish book is the perfect place to keep improving the language.

Why Spanish Novels

-Short sentences

-Short chapters

-Easy vocabulary

-Simple grammar

-Everyday dialogues

A Pre Intermediate (A2) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.

Sample sentences:

-Brian va a la playa con sus amigos o con su familia.

-Brian está haciendo un MBA en Stanford University.

-Su sueño es conseguir empleo en Amazon o en Google.

-A Brian le gustaría formar una familia con Sarah.

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