
Vivienne and the Reaper: The Mortal Coil- Extended: The Magicains Crossover


"Vivienne you will die there are no buts about it," a skeletal man in Benedictine monks outfit said. said Vivienne in reply "but- but-" staring at his head.

The Reaper huffed "Stop saying but! you can't deny or bargain with me!" Vivienne took a deep breath and said "So you came for me?"

Death said as sharply as a blade " yes! I have! You died at midnight" Vivienne sobbed slightly and said "Midnight? It is 5 to midnight!"

The Reaper looked as awkward as a skeleton could, Vivienne cried triumphantly as a prisoner reprieved execution would "You're early! I live!"

Guest starring The Magicians' villain the rude orderly Jack Taylor

Narrator: Rachel Lawson
