
A Dream to Follow


His dream is to become a journalist. Will his father give his blessing?

Thorliff Bjorklund has been writing since he was a young boy and now longs to attend college to study journalism.

But his father has other plans for him and refuses to agree. To make matters worse, the threat of crop failure may mean

there’ll be no money for further schooling. Thorliff is torn between love for his father and the pull of his dream. Must

he choose between the two?

Elizabeth Rogers has been raised in a life of privilege, yet she has an unwavering determination to become a doctor.

Though she has the support of her family, society is not as kind, for it is nearly impossible for a woman to enter

medical school.

Will the Red River Valley nuture the dreams of its young—or will it fence them in?

Narrador/a: Daniel Henning
