We live in societies that hunger and thirst for spirituality. Today we are witnessing the resurgence of the human being's search to give value and meaning to one's own life, and a sign of this is the demand to find spaces where to cultivate interiority, the taste for spirituality. The paths offered are very diverse. This work reflects on the lay spirituality proposed by Pedro Poveda. Some itineraries are offered in order to live the faith today in present-day societies and to be credible and audacious witnesses of the Gospel. Poveda proposes a way of being, a way of being present and committing oneself that makes visible, in daily life, the extra-ordinary distinctiveness of those who walk in the footsteps of the Risen Lord.
Identidades emergentes : Acompañar en la cultura del cuidado y la responsabilidad
Lola Arrieta Olmedo, Elisa Estévez López
bookSembrar esperanza acompañando el presente
Lola Arrieta Olmedo, Elisa Estévez López
bookAN EXTRA-ORDINARY DISTINCTIVENESS : Itineraries of lay spirituality in Pedro Poveda
Elisa Estévez López
bookUna extra-ordinaria singularidad : Itinerarios de espiritualidad laical en Pedro Poveda
Elisa Estévez López
bookAcompañar en la [in]certidumbre : III Círculos de encuentro Marisa Moresco
Lola Arrieta Olmedo, Elisa Estévez López
bookFamilias que importan : Acompañar el latido de la V/vida entre vulnerabilidad Y fortaleza. II Círculos de encuentro Marisa Moresco
Lola Arrieta Olmedo, Elisa Estévez López
bookLa mujer que tocó a Jesús
Elisa Estévez López