
Christian Art and African Modernity


The growth of Christianity is one of the major themes of modern African history, yet the emergence of a Christian visual art across the sub-Saharan region has largely been overlooked. (The exception, of course, is Ethiopian Christianity, which has a substantial literature.)

This book presents a series of papers dealing with developments in many countries, particularly in the provision of an art that has its place within a liturgical context, and thus situated at the core of Christian ritual practice. Perhaps inevitably, the project of ‘inculturation’ within the local modernities of sub-Saharan Africa, is a history of both success and failure. In this regard, there is an emphasis on developments in Nigeria (following from the research interests of the editors); but it is hoped that this book will provide the stimulus to further research and publication. Whatever the ups and downs of the histories these papers present, Christianity has proved to be a context in which some works of art of world art-historical significance have been brought into existence.