
Darkwater : Voices from Within the Veil


"Between the sterner flights of logic, I have sought to set some little alightings of what may be poetry. They are tributes to Beauty, unworthy to stand alone; yet perversely, in my mind, now at the end, I know not whether I mean the Thought for the Fancy—or the Fancy for the Thought, or why the book trails off to playing, rather than standing strong on unanswering fact. But this is alway—is it not?—the Riddle of Life."



The Shadow of Year

A Litany at Atlanta

The Souls of White Folk

The Riddle of the Sphinx

The Hands of Ethiopia

The Princess of the Hither Isles

Of Work and Wealth

The Second Coming

"The Servant in the House"

Jesus Christ in Texas

Of the Ruling of Men

The Call

The Damnation of Women

Children of the Moon

The Immortal Child

Almighty Death

Of Beauty and Death

The Prayers of God

The Comet

A Hymn to the Peoples