DONKEYS AND HUMANS describes natural communication between humans and donkeys and provides numerous possibilities of including donkeys in leisure activities, education and therapy. Part One of the book discusses how to plan and structure the training for donkeys as well as donkey handlers, and presents detailed theoretical knowledge and practical examples. This training programme is supported by a great variety of pictures and also includes all basic exercises of Natural Horsemanship. Natural Horsemanship adapted to donkeys demands respectful and harmonious communication with the sensitive and intelligent donkeys and is fundamental to Part Two of the book which explores the manifold possibilities of including educated donkeys in experiential leisure activities, animal assisted education and animal assisted therapy. Appropriate example structures and a catalogue of exercises help to develop more than just „education through cuddling“. The chapters are designed clearly and understandably and include extensive illustration. The book is aimed at donkey handlers, donkey friends, horse handlers, entrepreneurs interested in animal assisted leisure activities, teachers, psychologists and specialised therapists. Target groups for animal assisted therapy include children and young people attending kindergartens, elementary schools, regular schools or schools for special needs, i.e. those for multiply disabled, learning disabled or young people in difficult phases. Innumerable possibilities for clients with psychosomatic or psychological disorders are also mentioned. Another important target group is the growing number of elderly people who often suffer from dementia or other disorders associated with older age. A further chapter discusses involving donkeys successfully in personality training programmes.