In "Dying To Succeed" by Hilary Spiers, Amelia, a renowned agony aunt, moves to the quaint village of Lymphnett St Jude for a peaceful life. However, her presence stirs the village, especially when ex-actress Julia and her husband, Hector, invite her to a party. Amelia soon uncovers a series of mysterious deaths, linked by jealousy and obsession with fame. Amelia knows her plans for an idyllic life are on hold until the culprit is revealed. And as the agony aunt is about to find out, some people hold secrets close to their hearts...
A Valentine Mystery
Toni Prette
bookA Piece of Cake
Sarah Swatridge
bookThe Play's The Thing
Ewan Smith
bookA Risk Worth Taking
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bookStranger Than Fiction
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bookThe Flamingo Diamond
Merrilee Robson
bookIt's Showtime!
Carrie Hewlett
bookWhat Lies Beneath
Ewan Smith
bookDying To Succeed
Hilary Spiers
bookDeja Vu
AC Williams
bookMisty Island Refuge
Evelyn Orange
bookSuspicious Minds
Alison Carter