
Elderberry Croft: January Breeze: A New Beginning


On a crisp January breeze, a new girl sweeps into the neighborhood, breathing life – and perhaps a hint of magic – into the cottage she christens Elderberry Croft.

The folks at The Coach House Trailer Park can’t help but fall under Willow Goodhope's spell as she charms them with her vibrant nature, her elderberry gifts, and her outrageous laughter. But there’s something about her, a secret sadness that hovers at the corners of her irrepressible smile, and it has everyone talking.

Kathy Kekoa, especially, isn't so sure about this wild child living across the driveway, with her generous nature and exuberance for life, and she's keeping an eye on the stranger for everyone's sake. Usually through a pair of binoculars.

And what she sees doesn't sit well with her.

What brings the mysterious young woman to this dead end place? From what—or whom—is she hiding?

Get swept up along with the rest of the quirky folk at The Coach House Trailer Park in this heart-changing tale of Willow Goodhope, a woman who comes to disappear... only to discover that sometimes a dead end is the perfect place to turn around and find second chances.

Narrador/a: Becky Doughty