Content marketing doesn’t work – at least not in the way most people do it. Most people make content marketing harder work than it needs to be. This book will show you how to get your content marketing working hard for you, rather than the other way around! To do the work once and reap the rewards again and again (and again!).
Evergreen Assets will show you:
• How a cow’s arse got John on primetime BBC TV.
• Why the world’s worst website is still better than yours.
• How to make £125,000 from a 27p fridge magnet.
• Why you should abandon social media.
• How a spelling mistake increased sales by 48%.
• The real reason that “no-one’s buying” from you.
• How to get the Queen of England to endorse you.
• What you ACTUALLY earn in an hour.
• How to sell more (by selling less).