
Go Grab Your Shoes : Exercise Motivation...Move with Joy!


Go Grab Your Shoes, an upbeat guided imagery exercise motivation program partners the beautiful beat of Latin classical guitar music with positive affirmations to strengthen your determination and motivation to exercise. It is designed to help you stick with workout routines, maintain health, achieve your fitness goals, and aid your weight loss efforts.

We want exercise to become less of a task and more of a healthy lifestyle choice. This self motivation audio is perfect for anyone desiring weight loss but can't seem to find the motivation or will power to get started.

This is our one and only audio product you can listen to while driving- not intended to cause relaxation but quite the reverse- high energy and alertness!

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Imadulation® Guided Imagery audio production.

Narrador/a: Ellen Chernoff Simon
