In the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains lies Jubilee, where Coop's Home Cookin' has been a beloved staple for decades. Walter Coop Cooper serves up hearty meals and a side of grumpy charm to locals and tourists alike. But Coop's world is turned upside down when Tate Morgan, a city transplant with roots in Jubilee, opens a trendy vegan restaurant across the street.
Caught in the middle is Whitney Cooper, Coop's dutiful daughter. She dreams of opening her own wellness studio but feels obligated to her father's diner. As tensions between Coop and Tate escalate, Whitney finds herself torn between loyalty to her father and her growing feelings for Tate.
When Coop enlists Whitney to sabotage the new restaurant, she must choose between her father's expectations and her own dreams. As secrets come to light and friendships blossom, Whitney navigates the challenges of family loyalty and personal aspirations.
Grits and Grievances is a heartwarming tale of family, love, and the courage to pursue one's dreams, set against the picturesque backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Will Jubilee find room for both tradition and innovation, or will old rivalries tear them apart?