
Healing Scripture Songs : Medicinal Song


Dearly beloved,

The testing of your faith by day to day life realities is a result of your inner soul yearning to grow into a supernatural replication of his Excellency, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, be brave till the end is the age-old mantra, that was passed on from ancestry to us the living generation, now bore the torch of hope unquenchable.

When you find yourself in tougher times, that is an opportunity for your faith to make an indelible pathway, that shines all the way to the heavenly throne room. Anybody can get negative and bitter, blame God, or lose their passion. The chosen generation and royal priesthood are spiritually called because these ones never quit till the end.

Always remember that, what you say under pressure is your true soul cry, complains or asking, seeking and knocking fervently at Heaven door, ask for help from a higher power that built every organ in our body. God and his elders and the uncountable legions of angels are more qualified doctors to fix our bodies than anyone else because the maker of a thing knows more about His creations more than anyone else.

We, humans, are yet to completely understand that we are made with God's love and perseverance that enable us to overcome challenges that came to brand us promoted into champions for the Jesus Christ Kingdom on earth. Our spirit and soul were designed to dominate obstacles that usually drown some people of lesser faith, you and I that bears the mark of his calling by enduring challenges with long-sufferings, let us continue to hang on to Jehovah's unchanging hands till the end.

Every sickness in your body must depart to where it came from the pit of Hell. In Jesus Christ Name. My Faith has strengthened by the renewing of your undiluted love in my life mercifully God. I am healed by your stripes Jesus and the crown of thorns that pierced into your brows that Drips your blood for my salvation.

Phaya Brands Ochelebe

Narrador/a: PHAYA BRANDS