
Inspiration Junkie: How to Get Inspired


From the desk of the How-To Junkie for Inspiration Junkie:

Howdy, friend who wants to get inspired! Lacking inspiration? Not feeling your mojo? Can't find your muse? Don't sweat it, fellow aspiring inspiration junkie! You are here because you want to have more inspiration in your life - whether it's for doing work, accomplishing goals, or putting that final touch on that magnum opus.

Look around you. There are inspirations all around; you just have to find them and see them. I will help you do that. However, it's not going to be easy. Now you're probably wondering: "Huh? Why are you telling me it's not going to be easy? Isn't that counter-intuitive? Aren't you supposed to tell me how easy it is to get inspiration so I will buy this book?"

Well, yes, I probably could do what most folks out there will: give you the usual recycled inspirational stories or quotes, and tell you to "just believe in yourself", to only feel pumped temporarily in that present moment...which I'm sure you're getting tired of hearing.

The truth is that inspiration is subjective. Let face it, not everybody is going to get inspired by the same scenery of nature or the sound of a waterfall because each of us get inspired by different things. You have to discover what they are for yourself.

Thus, this will not be your typical feel-good inspiration book. On the contrary, this is more like an "inspiration training workbook" than anything else, for a personalized self-involved interactive approach to be an inspiration junkie. By being an Inspiration Junkie, you will know:

How to inspire yourself through your own words

How to find inspiration within your environment

How to get inspiration from other people

How to draw out inspiration that really matters

An Author's Republic audio production.

Narrador/a: How-To Junkie