
Instant Optimism


Do you ever go through tough times or face some form of hardship? Of course you do! We all do. But do you get nervous and feel down on your luck when experiencing those adversities or when things aren't going your way ? Because it's not what's affecting you but how you react to it.

Regardless of whatever predicament you may think you're in...it's not the end of the world, and you can be certain other people have had similar experiences (or worse).

Understandably, it's natural to fear the worst, but how many times has the worst you could possibly imagined occurred? Wouldn't you agree that this is just damage control so you won't be disappointed or have a harder time dealing with the less severe outcome than you had imagined?

Yet on the downside...this holds you back from moving with your best foot forward. Ask yourself how many opportunities you missed and things you wished you could have done but didn't — all because you were forecasting dark clouds with a chance of raining all over your parade.

Even for things you can't control, there's no point in getting all negative. Life is too short, so why waste it drowning yourself in pessimism? Instead, always have optimism.