LEADERSHIP LESSONS Volume 2 is a book that is all about How to Improve Organisational Performance. According to the Oxford dictionary, an essay “is a short piece of non-fiction about a particular topic.” The essays in this book are an accumulation of various projects that I have been involved in for more than a dozen years. The term “projects” spans quite a range of subject matter, and purposes for their existance. The reality is that the central focus of all these essays are improving the ability to understand the dynamics at play that are impacting their organisations. The purpose is to help organisations and the people within them to be able to realise their indifividual and collectve potential. Often business-type books require that a reader slogs all the way through until a light-bulb might possibly go on. By writing this book as a series of essays (each barely two pages long), with some luck, readers will be able to read in almost ‘’bite-size’’ increments, with each essay standing on its own. This makes Leadership Lessons perfect for travel or breaks between meetings. The essays contained in the subsequent pages are printed in more-or-less chronilogically in the order that they were written in, with many of the essays being titled in the form of a question. The reason for the title being in the form of a question is that whilst most any manager in an organisation will be (or should be) looking for answers, it now 2019 and it should be clear that if you don’t learn to ask better questions, you will never get the answers you really need.
Leadership Lessons Volume 2: Essays on how to become more effective and improve organisational performance