
Learn MongoDB in 24 Hours


MongoDB gives flexibility in compare to RDBMS. It has features like dynamic schemas, storage for large volume data, scaling database architecture, real-time data reporting, data sharding, and so on. It enables to develop application faster. To address all these features in a concise manner, this e-book is created.

This e-book has explained features of MongoDB, that is important from the point of Big data analytics. It makes clear the confusion over MySQL and NoSQL working pattern. It has accommodated all the topics on MongoDB with examples. It guides you right through setting up MongoDB environment to security requirements. The book is too small, but all important aspect of MongoDB is covered. The examples and code are explained in a manner that beginners can easily absorb the content. The book has also illustrated various shell commands to access MongoDB. Not only that, but the user will also explore about JSON document and creating queries in MongoDB.

The book can be used for further reference for application build on MongoDB Java or MongoDB Python. Minimum price range and maximum deliverable is the main plus point of this e-book.

Table content

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Download and Install MongoDB on Windows

Download & Install MongoDB on Windows

Install Driver- Javascript, Python and Ruby

Install Robomongo- MongoDB Management Tool

MongoDB Configuration, Import and Export

Configuring MongoDB server with configuration file

Chapter 3: Create Database & Insert Data

Creating a database

Creating a collection

Chapter 4: Add MongoDB Array using insert()

Chapter 5: ObjectId()

Chapter 6: Query Document using find()

Chapter 7: Cursor

Chapter 8: Query Modifications using limit(), sort()

Chapter 9: Count() & remove() function

Chapter 10: Update() Document

Chapter 11: Indexing, Monitoring & Backup

Chapter 12: How to Create User in Mongodb & assign Roles

Chapter 13: Authentication with Kerberos

Chapter 14: Replica Set

Replica Set: Adding the First Member using rs.initiate()

Replica Set: Adding a Secondary using rs.add()

Replica Set: Reconfiguring or Removing using rs.remove()

Troubleshooting Replica Sets

Chapter 15: Sharded Cluster

Chapter 16: Indexing - createIndex()

Understanding Impact of Indexes

Create Indexes

Finding Indexes

Dropping Indexes

Chapter 17: Regular Expression (Regex)

Using $regex operator for Pattern matching

Pattern Matching with $options

Pattern matching without the regex operator

Fetching last 'n' documents from a collection