LEARN PHOTOSHOP FOR PRINT ON DEMAND BUSINESS is a book targeted to aid individuals who are into print on demand business and are struggling to create good designs to enable them sell more, not only is this book for those who are already into print on demand business, newbies who are also interested in starting a print on demand business can also benefit greatly from this book because it teaches you all you need to know on creating designs with Photoshop for T-Shirts, mugs and the likes. Instead of going through the hassle of learning every single function in the Photoshop software, why not learn a few of the tools in a short while that can aid you in creating simple but stunning and high quality designs in few minutes. LEARN PHOTOSHOP FOR PRINT ON DEMAND BUSINESS contains a bonus chapter for teaching newbies into print on demand business how to create an account with Zazzle and uploading designs created in Photoshop to Zazzle website.
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