
Letters to Eunoia : The Book of Mental Health Pep Talks


This book of mental health pep talks is designed for you to thumb through the table of contents to get support, encouragement, and actionable tips for whatever your mood or circumstance is. Whether it's a simple "read this if you need Monday motivation" or a more serious "read this if you're struggling to get out of bed," this book meets you wherever you are on the spectrum of feeling & being with compassion & love.

In 2013 during her stay at a psychiatric hospital, Chelsey Brejanee wrote a letter to herself that would later help prevent her from committing suicide. The heartfelt letter was a desperate plea to her future self to hang onto hope and reach out in the event that her depression spun out of control again. Today, she has taken that letter and used it as the source of inspiration for the creation of the uplifting pep talks in this book. She also uses her personal story and learned wisdom to create intimate conversations with readers as she guides them through six topic areas:

The Blues (Depression Symptoms)

For the Anxious Mind (Anxiety Symptoms)

Matters of the Heart (Interpersonal Relationships)

Perception of Self (Confidence)

Work & School

Random Positivity

These pep talks are exactly what every person experiencing any level of emotional difficulty needs by their side to help keep the light of hope for a better day visible.

Narrador/a: Chelsey Brejanee
