The book is intended as an accessible and provocative text for professionals as well as an introduction to the subject for generalist readers who require or would like to gain an insight into the functioning of the system. The book is divided into three parts: 1) The recent history and the financial crisis, including hot topics such as derivatives, high frequency trading, and investment banking. This section in particular is written from the perspective of a successful practitioner and tries to provide clarity on some complex and very politicized elements of the banking system. 2) The debt market, monetary policies and quantitative easing, this part helps explain the impact of and the different issues surrounding sovereign debt, the Euro crisis, and austerity versus growth policies. 3) Analysis of investment styles, from hedge funds to long only investments, corporate communication and its impact on markets and investments, mistakes and frequent questions and answers regarding investment.
Libertad o igualdad : Por qué el desarrollo del capitalismo social es la única solución a los retos del nuevo milenio
Daniel Lacalle
bookHaz crecer tu dinero : Mi experiencia con los mejores inversores del mundo
Daniel Lacalle
bookEl porqué de los populismos : Un análisis del auge populista de derecha e izquierda a ambos lados del Atlántico
Fran Carrillo, Daniel Lacalle, José Luis Villacañas, Esteban Hernández Jiménez, Juan Ramón Rallo, Aurora Nacarino-Brabo, Patrycia Centeno, Federico Steinberg, Narciso Michavila, Juan M. H. H Puértolas
bookLa pizarra de Daniel Lacalle : Las 10 reformas económicas imprescindibles para una España de futuro
Daniel Lacalle
bookAcabemos con el paro : Cómo poner fin a la mayor lacra social y económica de nuestro país
Daniel Lacalle
bookHablando se entiende la gente : Un debate plural sobre la economía española
Daniel Lacalle, Emilio Ontiveros, Juan Torres López
bookViaje a la libertad económica : Por qué el gasto esclaviza y la austeridad libera
Daniel Lacalle
bookFreedom or Equality
Daniel Lacalle
audiobookLa gran trampa : Por qué los bancos centrales están abonando el terreno para la próxima crisis
Daniel Lacalle
bookNosotros, los mercados : Qué son, cómo funcionan y por qué resultan imprescindibles
Daniel Lacalle