
Lord of the Dead the Secret History of Byron


Famed nineteenth-century poet and rake Lord Byron travels to Greece and becomes the world’s most formidable vampire—entering a dark, intoxicating world of ancient arts and scorching excesses of evil—in this offbeat book by the author of Slave of My Thirst.

Traveling in the mountains of Greece, Byron falls under the spell of a mysterious fugitive slave, whose pale, slim body arouses his lust. Utterly entranced, his fate is sealed. The supreme sensualist embarks on a life of adventure—that of the world's most formidable vampire.

Chosen to enjoy powers beyond those any vampire has ever known, Byron enters a dark, intoxicating world of long-lost secrets, ancient arts, and scorching excesses of evil. He drinks deeply of terror and sex. But his diversions, delicious and cruel, are also his torment: an all-consuming thirst damning all those he loves...

Narrador/a: Richard E. Grant


  1. A la sombra de las espadas : El nacimiento del islam y el auge del Imperio árabe

    Tom Holland

  2. Society in Crisis

    Clive Aslet, Phillip Bobbitt, Peter Burke, Gillian Clark, Jonathan Fenby, Peter Frankopan, Jessica Frazier, Lawrence Freedman, Matthew Goodwin, Andrew Graham-Dixon, Johan Hakelius, Vanessa Harding, Tom Holland, Mark Honingsbaum, Alexander Lee, Tim Marshall, Lincoln Paine, Iskander Rehman, Donald Sassoon, David Seedhouse, Graham Stewart, Hew Strachan, Helen Thompson, Richard Whatmore, Adrian Wooldridge

  3. Nation, state and empire

    Robin Lane Fox, Gillian Clark, Steven Grosby, Tom Holland, Peter H Wilson, Larry Siedentop, Lawrence James, Maurizio Viroli, Simon Mayall, Jessica Frazier, Jeremy Jennings, Josef Joffe, Philip Bobbitt, Richard J Evans, Lucy Riall, Lars Trägårdh, Charles S Maier, Rob Johnson, Tim Marshall, Harvey Whitehouse, Christopher Coker, Janne Haaland Matláry, Carlos Escudé, Jonathan Fenby, Martina Winkelhofer, David Goodhart, Iain Martin, Freddy Gray

  4. Lord of the Dead the Secret History of Byron

    Tom Holland

  5. The Wolf-Girl, the Greeks and the Gods : A Tale of the Persian Wars

    Tom Holland

  6. Herredømmet : Da kristendommen skabte den vestlige bevidsthed

    Tom Holland

  7. Samhälle i kris

    Peter Frankopan, Helen Thompson, Tim Marshall, Jonathan Fenby, Donald Sassoon, Matthew Goodwin, Lawrence Freedman, Jessica Frazier, Alexander Lee, Iskander Rehman, Tom Holland, Andrew Graham-Dixon, Clive Aslet, Johan Hakelius, Lincoln Paine, Hew Strachan, Gillian Clark, Mark Honingsbaum, David Seedhouse, Vanessa Harding, Richard Whatmore, Philip Bobbitt, Peter Burke, Graham Stewart, Adrian Wooldridge

  8. Society in Crisis

    Clive Aslet, Phillip Bobbitt, Peter Burke, Gillian Clark, Jonathan Fenby, Peter Frankopan, Jessica Frazier, Lawrence Freedman, Matthew Goodwin, Andrew Graham-Dixon, Johan Hakelius, Vanessa Harding, Tom Holland, Mark Honingsbaum, Alex Lee, Tim Marshall, Lincoln Paine, Iskander Rehman, Donald Sassoon, David Seedhouse, Graham Stewart, Hew Strachan, Helen Thompson, Richard Whatmore, Adrian Wooldridge

  9. The Forge of Christendom

    Tom Holland

  10. Persian Fire

    Tom Holland

  11. In the Shadow of the Sword

    Tom Holland
