Detective Michael Palermo built his career on his unique ability to inhabit two worlds at once: the world of law enforcement and the underworld of New York’s crime family organizations. Palermo participated in over two thousand arrests while maintaining close relationships with the kingpins of organized crime—ties that allowed him to stay one step ahead of the rest of the New York City Police Department. This true crime drama takes you inside the police force at its most corrupt and into the dark and dirty world of dons, consiglieres, underbosses, button men, soldiers, and cowboys.
Diario de máscaras
Luisa Valenzuela
bookLa piedra desechada
Reyes Mate
bookDi que si
Lola Toro
bookEnvejecimiento : Del nacer al morir
Dulcey Ruíz Elisa, Posada-Gilède Roberto, Carlos
bookPolíticas, espacios y prácticas de memoria : Disputas y tránsitos actuales en Colombia y América Latina
Carlos Villamizar Salamanca, Jefferson Jaramillo Marín, Amada Carolina Pérez Benavides, Mario Rufer, Johanna Paola Torres, Sebastián Vargas Álvarez, Fernando Escobar Neira, Gabriela González, Óscar Fernando Acevedo Arango, Oscar Uarín Martínez
bookLa Mafia nuestra de cada día
bookCrónicas de la mafia : Crónica negra
Íñigo Domínguez
bookEl Director : Secretos e intrigas de la prensa narrados por el exdirector de El Mundo
David Jiménez
bookLa hija del Ganges
Asha Miró