
Marte : 2052


Looking for Spanish Novels?

I know how tough it is to find good readings to learn a new language.

You don't usually have a large vocabulary or are able to read long and complex sentences.

You'd like to go right to the fun stuff, but maybe it's too hard for you now.

A typical Spanish reader isn't interesting or just plain boring.

But this book is not like that.

A Spanish Book for Upper-Intermediates (B2) Both Fun & Easy

Marte: 2052 is the book number 18 of the Spanish Novels Series. This Upper-Intermediate Spanish Reader is packed with useful expressions you need in everyday situations: greetings, asking questions, talking to friends, etc. Anyone who has an upper-intermediate command of the Spanish language can take advantage of this book. You need to know conditionals, gerund, pluperfect and simple past tenses. Besides, in this book, you will find longer and more complex sentences and chapters.

This is the year 2052. Our planet is about to collapse and the IASA is trying to launch the biggest spacial mission to Mars, before attempting to colonize the red planet. The crew is formed by 15 poor young people from the five continents: the 'space volunteers'. Will they be able to complete the mission and come back safe to the Earth?

Why Spanish Novels

-Short sentences

-Short chapters

-Easy vocabulary

-Simple grammar

-Everyday dialogues

An Upper-Intermediate (B2) Spanish Reader in SIMPLE Spanish.

From the First Chapter:

En el año 2052 los recursos naturales del planeta están prácticamente agotados. Ya no queda casi nada de petróleo, y lo peor es que tampoco hay otras energías alternativas. Desde que las máquinas reemplazaron a los hombres en las fábricas, los niveles de desempleo están por encima del 50%. Los que tienen la suerte de conseguir un trabajo, apenas ganan lo suficiente para comer. Y el resto –los desempleados– sobrevive con la ayuda del gobierno. La cantidad de pobres en el planeta está en cifras récord.

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