'Mozart for Guitar' is the second volume in the Schott Composers' series which makes the most famous masterpieces accessible to guitar players thanks to special arrangements for the guitar. Pupils, students and music lovers are of course interested in getting to know better both original guitar music and famous works and their music. The guitar moves the music into a tonal area which gives the music a rather intimate and sometimes dreamy character. The ideal album for guitar-playing Mozart lovers!
Perfect Love, Emotional Romance: A Heartwarming Collection of 100 Classic Poems and Letters for the Lovers (Valentine's Day 2019 Edition)
William Shakespeare, Christina Rossetti, Walt Whitman, Golden Deer Classics, Lord Byron, John Donne, Kahlil Gibran, Robert Browning, Emily Dickinson, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Alfred Tennyson, Edgar Allan Poe, John Keats, Andrew Marvell, Rabindranath Tagore, Elizabeth B. Browning, Ella W. Wilcox, Sara Teasdale, George Etherege, Michael Drayton, Samuel T. Coleridge, Robert Burns, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Patience Worth, Christopher John Brennan, Oscar Wilde, C, Unknown, William Morris, John Clare, Thomas Moore, Robert Louis Stevenson, Anne Bradstreet, John B. O'Reilly, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Leigh Hunt, Dante G. Rossetti, Sir Walter Scott, John Wilmot, Robert Herrick, Ludwig van Bethoveen, Emma Darwin, Charles Darwin, Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville-West, Honoré de Balzac, Napoleon Bonaparte, Voltaire, Henry VIII, Leo Tolstoy, Gustave Flaubert, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jack London, Johann von Goethe, James Joyce, Abigail Adams, Sullivan Ballou, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Pietro Bembo, Charlotte Brontë, Lewis Carroll, Catherine of Aragon, Mark Twain, John Constable, Oliver Cromwell, Ninon De L'Enclos, Alfred de Musset, Zelda Fitzgerald, Mary Wollstonecraft, Heloise, Count Gabriel Honore de Mirbeau, Lyman Hodge, King Henry IV, Franz Liszt, Katherine Mansfield, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Thomas Otway, Ovid, Robert Schumann, Vincent Van Gogh, Tsarina Alexandra, Laura Lyttleton
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