Planet of the Damned follows Brion Brandd, a character who lives on the planet Anvhar, which, due to an elliptical orbit, experiences a year with a long cold winter and a short hot summer, to which the population have become adapted. To avoid social problems during the winter period, Anvhar has initiated a planet-wide series of mental and physical games called the Twenties. The novel starts with Brandd winning the Twenties. As he recovers from the games, Brandd meets Ihjel, a previous winner of the Twenties, who asks him to join a mission on the desert planet of Dis. The ruling class of Dis, the magter, have threatened to transport cobalt bombs onto a neighbouring planet if they refuse to surrender. As a result, the planet is being blockaded and under threat of a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
The Repairman and Other Stories
Harry Harrison
bookDeathworld (Book 1&2) : Deathworld Series
Harry Harrison
bookThe Stainless Steel Rat
Harry Harrison
bookEpic Sci-Fi Odyssey : A Premium Collection of Classic Science Fiction Novellas and Short Stories
Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, Lester del Rey, Harry Harrison, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Fritz Leiber, Ben Bova, Bluefire Books, Philip K. Dick
bookThe Science Fiction Anthology
Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, Lester del Rey, Harry Harrison, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Fritz Leiber, Ben Bova, Icarsus, Philip K. Dick
bookThe Stainless Steel Rat
Harry Harrison
bookThe Science Fiction Anthology
Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, Lester del Rey, Harry Harrison, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Fritz Leiber, Ben Bova, HB Classics, Philip K. Dick
bookPlanet of the Damned
Harry Harrison
bookThe Science Fiction Anthology
Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, Lester del Rey, Harry Harrison, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Fritz Leiber, Ben Bova, knowledge house, Philip K. Dick
bookDeathworld : Book 1&2
Harry Harrison
bookB. J. Harrison Reads Deathworld
Harry Harrison
audiobookDeathworld : Book 1&2
Harry Harrison