The first entry in Kristina Douglas's sexy Fallen series introduces a realm of fallen angels and ruthless demons, where an eternal rebellion is brewing...and one unsuspecting woman can change the fate of the Fallen forever.
Bred In Public By The Duke
Lovillia Hearst, Elle London
Jan Moran
bookDragon Bones
Ines Johnson
bookThe King and the Kindergarten Teacher
Shanae Johnson
bookImmortal Sleepers : Blood Awakening
Miranda Nichols
bookDeflowered In Public Medieval Bundle
Lovillia Hearst
bookA Scottish Historical Time Travel Romance Collection
Amelia Wood
bookThe Bite of Winter
Lauren Smith
bookTumbling Through Time
Gwyn Cready
bookThe Hood Princess and the Prep : The Girl From The Hood Gets A Crown
Shay Jonez
bookBound by Darkness : A Paladin Novel
Alexis Morgan
bookThe Darkness Beyond: A Paladin Novel
Alexis Morgan