Western, first published in 1896. 12 illustrations. According to the Preface: "The principal part of the tale is laid among the cow-boys of the Western States of America, a body of men unrivalled in point of hardihood and devotion to work, as well as in reckless courage and wild daring. Texas, which twenty-five years ago was the great ranching state, is no longer the home of the typical cow-boy, but he still exists and flourishes in New Mexico and the northern States and Territories. The picture I have given of their life can be relied upon, and its adventures and dangers are in no degree coloured, as I have taken them from the lips of a near relative of my own who was for some years working as a cow-boy in New Mexico. He was an actor in many of the scenes described, and so far from my having heightened or embellished them, I may say that I have given but a small proportion of the perilous adventures through which he went, for had I given them in full it would, I am sure, have seemed to you that the story was too improbable to be true. In treating of cow-boy life, indeed, it may well be said that truth is stranger than fiction."
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book50+ Pirate Novels: An Ultimate Collection (Including Great Seafaring Legends) : Treasure Island, Captain Blood, Sea Hawk, The Dark Frigate, Blackbeard, Pieces of Eight & many more
Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, Jeffery Farnol, Howard Pyle, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Walter Scott, Frederick Ferdinand Moore, Daniel Defoe, Alexandre Dumas, Frederick Marryat, John Masefield, Rafael Sabatini, Harold MacGrath, Joseph Lewis French, Harry Collingwood, Charles Boardman Hawes, L. Frank Baum, J. M. Barrie, R. M. Ballantyne, G. A. Henty, Stephen W. Meader, J. Allan Dunn, Robert E. Howard, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ralph D. Paine, W. H. G. Kingston, William Macleod Raine, Percy F.Westerman
bookThe Pirates' Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales : 70+ Novels, Short Stories & Legends: Facing the Flag, Blackbeard, Captain Blood, Pieces of Eight...
Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, Howard Pyle, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Walter Scott, Daniel Defoe, Alexandre Dumas, Charles Ellms, Frederick Marryat, Harold MacGrath, Joseph Lewis French, Harry Collingwood, Stanley Lane-Poole, Charles Boardman Hawes, L. Frank Baum, J. M. Barrie, R. M. Ballantyne, G. A. Henty, J. D. Jerrold Kelley, J. Allan Dunn, Robert E. Howard, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ralph D. Paine, Captain Charles Johnson, W. H. G. Kingston, Currey E. Hamilton, John Esquemeling
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