As famous during his lifetime as after his death, Rembrandt (1606-1669) was oneof the greatest masters of the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century. His portraitsnot only bring us back to that fascinating time, but also represent, above all, ahuman adventure; beneath every dab of paint the spirit of the model is hidden. Yet these portraits are only the tip of the Rembrandt iceberg, which consists of over 300canvasses, 350 engravings, and 2,000 drawings. Throughout his oeuvre, the influence of Flemish Realism is as powerful as that of Caravaggio. He applied this skillful fusion of styles to all his works, conferring biblical subjects and everyday themes alike with an unparalleled and intimate emotional power. Because of his empathy for the human condition, he has been called "one of the great prophets of civilization".
Rembrandt - Uno de los grandes profetas de la civilización»
Émile Michel
Émile Michel
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