Lottery winner and ex-journalist Donal Fitzgerald joins forces with his girlfriend, DNR conservation officer Mercy Virdon, to solve the mysterious death of a beloved angler, Charlie, who was murdered in his tent in a state campground and who was known by all—and who may have known too much. Set in the engaging small town of Ossning on the Borchard River in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula—an angler’s dream, filled with eccentric, believable, sympathetic, and unforgettable characters—Riverwatcher is a classic whodunit. Fitzgerald and Mercy’s investigation to discover the deadly secret among the locals leads to dead ends until a surprisingly bookish theory surfaces. Weber expertly weaves this character-driven novel with a strong sense of place, creating a great yarn for anglers and mystery lovers and, as it turns out, a literally literary mystery.
Riverwatcher : A Fly-Fishing Mystery
- 193 páginas
- 1 libro
Ronald Weber
Profesor emérito de estudios americanos en la Universidad de Notre Dame en Indiana, ciudad donde reside. Es autor de estudios históricos como News of ParÃs, Hired pens, Heminway's art of Nonfiction o The Literature of fact, asà como de cuatro novelas. Ha trabajado en equipos de investigación de la Universidad de Columbia y ha sido profesor visitante en universidades de Portugal. En La ruta de Lisboa, muestra como la capital portuguesa se convirtió en un destino decisivo para cuantos pugnaban por salvar su vida, al tiempo que otros se beneficiaban de las inesperadas oportunidades que provocó el conflicto.
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