Due to the popularity of internet it becomes very easy for people to share their views over social networking websites. Most popular website among them is twitter. Twitter is a widely used social networking website that is used by the numerous people to give their opinion regarding a particular topic or product. So, today it becomes necessary to analyze the tweet of the people. The process to analyze and interpret the tweets is known as sentiment analysis. The main motive of this project is to identify how the tweets on the social networking website are used to identify the opinion of people regarding the particular product or policy. Twitter is a online website that allows the user to post the status of maximum 140 characters. Twitter has over 200 million registered users and 100 million active users [34]. So it comes to be a great source of valuable information. This project aims to develop a better way for sentiment analysis which is nothing a simple way to classify the tweets into positive, negative or neutral. The result of the sentiment analysis can be used by various organizations. Sentiment analysis can be used for forecasting the stock exchange, used to predict the popularity of any product in market, or used to predict the result of elections based on the public views on the social sites. The main motive of project is to develop a better way to accurately classify the unknown tweets according to their content.
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