Sentimental Education is an autobiographical novel. The story focuses on the romantic life of a young man at the time of the French Revolution of 1848. The novel describes the life of a young man (Frédéric Moreau) living through the revolution of 1848 and the founding of the Second French Empire, and his love for an older woman. Flaubert based many of the protagonist's experiences (including the romantic passion) on his own life. The novel's tone is by turns ironic and pessimistic; it occasionally lampoons French society. The main character, Frédéric, often gives himself to romantic flights of fancy. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was an influential French writer who was perhaps the leading exponent of literary realism of his country. He is known especially for his debut novel, Madame Bovary and for his scrupulous devotion to his style and aesthetics. The celebrated short story writer Maupassant was a protégé of Flaubert.
Sentimental Education - An Autobiographical Novel (Complete Edition) : From the prolific French writer, known for his debut novel Madame Bovary, works like Salammbô, November, A Simple Heart, Herodias and The Temptation of Saint Anthony
- 443 páginas
- 369 libros
Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert está considerado como el introductor del realismo francés del siglo XIX. Su obsesión por el estilo, por la búsqueda del mot juste (la palabra justa), hizo que sus obras, consideradas como escandalosas por la sociedad de su tiempo, lograran un reconocimiento unánime por parte de la crítica y de sus compañeros de letras. Tímido hasta lo patológico y en ocasiones arrogante, Flaubert no se granjeó demasiadas amistades a lo largo de su vida. Su carácter, que podríamos calificar de inestable, le llevó a padecer crisis nerviosas que derivaron en una salud frágil. Flaubert, prematuramente anciano, murió de una apoplejía a los 58 años. Contemporáneo del otro gran genio de la literatura francesa, Charles Baudelaire, Flaubert nos lega una obra deslumbrante que arranca con Madame Bovary (1857), sigue con Salambó (1862), La educación sentimental (1869), La tentación de San Antonio (1874), Tres cuentos (1877) y se cierra, póstumamente, con Bouvard y Pécuchet (1881).
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