Summary Bundle: Spiritual & Minimalism: Includes Summary of God & Summary of Goodbye, Things From the Description of "Summary of God"... "Whether we aware of it or not, and regardless if we are believers or not, what the vast majority of us think about when we think about God is a divine version of ourselves." - Reza Aslan This book is addressed to every human no matter their religion and believes. It's dedicated to change the way we think about the divine and its role in our lives. A deep book that touches a common topic in a unique way, definitely a must-read for all the people who want to get in touch with their spirituality. From the Description of "Summary of Goodbye, Things"... "Want to know how to make yourself instantly unhappy? Compare yourself with someone else." - Fumio Sasaki The desire of Saski to enter the world of minimalism was that he was tired of measuring the value of an individual through how much stuff he had. Humans constantly do this, develop an opinion of a person based on their income or the things he has that you don't. It creates a sense of envy and a negative environment in general. What if you could learn 3X more in 2X less time? How much faster could you accelerate to reach your goals? Start accelerating your growth today by adding this book to your shopping cart now or clicking on the buy now button.
Summary Bundle: Business & Life: Includes Summary of The $100 Startup & Summary of The 33 Strategies of War
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audiobookSummary Bundle: Leadership & Religion: Includes Summary of The Coaching Habit & Summary of The Color of Law
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